Surgical Pizza Party!
‘Cheesy. Fresh. Delicious. Mentally Nutritious.’
Where? Blackburn Education Centre, Auditorium
When? Tuesdays, 12:30 - 13:15pm
For? Medical students
(any medical school or year welcome!)
Refreshments? Free Pizza!
What's more soothing than the sound of surgical pathology in the afternoon? Not much right? Maybe a slice delicious freshly baked pizza.
The Blackburn Surgical Lunch Club was started by surgical trainees who are passionate about surgical education. We remember medical school and our foundation years. Surgery was the 'dark arts' that only a few from Slytherin loved. Our ambition is to correct this.
We hope to change that with a series of short lectures by surgical doctors including registrars and consultants to help you get your feet during your surgical rotations. The trick is to break things down into easily digestible chunks (pun intended) using the same methods that we used for finals!